Friday, May 4, 2012

FO (Finished Off) Fridays!

So I really only have one thing to report today.
I was very lazy this week, hehe.
I finished off a pair of octopi sisters to send to an old co-worker of mine! They turned out fabulous!
The patterns ( for the bow and octopus) can be found in this post.
I had a great time working on them. They are so quick and easy!

Unrelated to crochet or knitting...I finished off my enchiladas for our work fiesta today! We are celebrating Quatro de Mayo...since Cinco de Mayo is not a business day. 
I'm already getting hungry!

What did you guys finish off today?!
Also, hop on over to Tami's Amis and Other Creations and see what everyone else is finishing up!


  1. I made something similar to this, but with a smaller body, it became a spider and my cat and my brother's cat, both have one each to torment.

  2. Oh wow, I love their spiral legs...
