Friday, May 11, 2012

FO Fridays!

Okay, lets face it...I love being lazy. But, I don't like how unproductive being lazy is. Such a predicament.
I did however get something finished!
No, it isn't my sweater. Although, that would have been pretty amazing to finish in two days.

Anywhosies...this was one of the first critters I designed.
He's real mean. Can'tchya tell?

  It's based, and mostly inspired by, a monster design of Stacey Trock's (from FreshStitches). I love her work. As you can tell, I work my critters in the back loop only. It makes for (in my opinion) a neater finish and it's much easier to assemble!

 Here is the initial sketch. All my fancy schmancy notes!

I'm pretty sure even though I wrote all my notes down, I didn't follow my "pattern" at all...

That's all I got today! Check out all the other awesome finished off projects over at Tami's Amis Finished Off Fridays!

I have a question for y'all...Joe, the boyfriend, asked me the other night when he was getting a critter (after telling me he thinks I'm "very talented at crocheting."). EEEP!
He wants to put it on his dashboard in his car since he doesn't have a specific office at work...what do I make him?!!!
I was thinking something in will match his car.
Any ideas?! I'm looking for something small-ish, that will fit on his dash but something he'll love.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WIP Wednesday!

It's that time again!
WIP Wednesday!

Although I'm not working on anything new, I did make progress on my sweater!
 Instead of a scarf it now looks like a little girls dress!
HA, just kidding. As you can see I've got the sleeves going! Yay!

 Here is my fanciful stitching. I'm so good, I make mistakes and don't adds character. That's what I tell my OCD.

 So I didn't start stitching a new project but I did design two new critters.  
Ms. Lysa Marie is going to be for Joe's sister, Ramona.
I got the name from Ramona's middle name and Joe' mama's name (spelled differently).
I just have to figure out how to make the hair...I've seen hairpin lace fringe as hair, but I have NO idea how to do that. *sadface*
Any ideas? Tips?

Aaaaaand this little (big) guy is going to be for Karsen, Joe's nephew! I wanted to create something simple but really goofy because...well, that's how Karsen is! 
Karss  is going to be HUGE! I didn't want him too small because a 5 year old can't snuggle (properly) with a small stuffed animal. So, I'm opting for GINORMOUS! 
I've started writing the pattern short-hand but haven't finshed that yet.

So that's what I'm working on!
See what everyone else is working on over at 

Friday, May 4, 2012

FO (Finished Off) Fridays!

So I really only have one thing to report today.
I was very lazy this week, hehe.
I finished off a pair of octopi sisters to send to an old co-worker of mine! They turned out fabulous!
The patterns ( for the bow and octopus) can be found in this post.
I had a great time working on them. They are so quick and easy!

Unrelated to crochet or knitting...I finished off my enchiladas for our work fiesta today! We are celebrating Quatro de Mayo...since Cinco de Mayo is not a business day. 
I'm already getting hungry!

What did you guys finish off today?!
Also, hop on over to Tami's Amis and Other Creations and see what everyone else is finishing up!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Good morning world! Well, it's morning where I'm at... :)

So I only have one project working this week. I'm a closer at work this week so I don't have quite as much free time when I get off. I've just been lazin' around the house watching TV and getting caught up on all 13 seasons on One Tree Hill (even Joe got hooked on all the drama!)

But here is a photo of the Free Dolman Sleeve Crochet Sweater I've been working on
 I know, it isn't much...but eventually it will be a awesome looking sweater!
This is the first crocheted garment I have ever made. I was a little confused at first about how to get my measurements but I just decided to use her listed measurements and come to find out we are the same size! HA! So that made it super easy!
I found the pattern on Ravelry (that site is a serious time killer) and I have soooo many other projects in my favorites...
Anyways, enough daydreaming I have to go to work!

What are you making this week?
 Let everyone know by linking up over at Tami's Amis and Other Creations blog